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Best 1 winter solstice mutton soup recipe

Best 1 winter solstice mutton soup recipe

Best 1 winter solstice mutton soup recipe

Winter solstice mutton soup, Chinese best 1 mutton soup recipe. It is the annual December 22nd. This day is called the Winter Solstice in China or some Asian countries. Today, many hot pot restaurants in Chengdu, Sichuan prepare the mutton soup. Their business is very hot because lots of people go to drink mutton soup. According to the most commonly used mutton soup recipe in Chengdu, this article will teach friends how to make mutton soup at home.

Winter solstice mutton soup

Winter solstice mutton soup

Friends who often drink mutton soup in China know that the soup made by the high-quality mutton is particularly strong, and the mutton is particularly tender, and it will not taste fishy.

Is there any skill? In fact, the mutton soup in the restaurants is relatively dense. One important reason is that the mutton soup is stewed with a lot of lamb bones, and it takes times.

Moreover, they pay attention to choosing the breed of sheep. Generally, sheep are better. The mutton soup made with sheep meat is more fresh and fragrant! What are the skills of making mutton soup at home? I will share some tips about how to cook mutton soup!

Mutton Soup Ingredients

Winter Solstice Mutton Soup Make Steps

  1. Buy the leg of lamb, shave the mutton first, cut into small pieces, and chop off the bones. Before stewing the mutton soup, some people boil it first. Some people stew it directly. Both wrong. What’s the right step? First, you should put the mutton and lamb bones in water, add a few peppers, and soak for 2 hours. The purpose is to remove blood from mutton, reduce odor, and make the mutton less fishy.
Mutton Soup Make Steps 1
  1. After soaking, remove the bones and meat, add some cold water to the pot, put mutton and lamb bones in the cold water. Then, add some ginger slices, pour some cooking wine, add some green pepper, ginger slices, scallion section one by one. After boiling, remove the foam on the surface. Pay attention please, you must put the bones and meat in cool water. If you do it after boiling, the cold mutton will shrink with the hot water, and the blood in the mutton will be locked in the mutton. The mutton would not be tender and the soup would be very fishy.
Mutton Soup Make Steps 2
  1. Remove the mutton after in the boiling water for some time, wash it in warm water so that the mutton will be more tender very clean, and the soup will be particularly thick and white. This can also reduce the smell of mutton and make the soup taste fresher. After cleaning, put the mutton into the pot again, and add enough hot water. Do not add water halfway. If you add water halfway, the mutton soup is not thick and white enough and the taste will be not good enough.
Mutton Soup Make Steps 3
  1. Add a few slices of ginger and scallion to the pot, cover the pot, and boil over high heat. After boiling, open the pot lid and with low heat for 2 hours. The mutton must be cooked with the lid open so that the smell of mutton can be emitted with the steam. Then remove all the scallion and ginger, and go on for 60 minutes on medium-low heat. At this time, the mutton has been particularly rotten. Remove the mutton, and meat on the bone while it is still hot. Put the bones back to the soup and continue to stew. Cut the mutton into pieces and set aside.
Mutton Soup Make Steps 4
  1. Take some mutton into a bowl, add some soup. According to your taste, add some salt, pepper, a spoonful of vinegar, some chopped green onion and coriander. If you like spicy food, you can also add some chili oil, and then add some sesame oil. Delicious mutton soup is ready!
Mutton Soup Make Steps 5

Winter Solstice Mutton Soup Cooking Skills

  1. Sheep is the best choice for mutton. After chopping into pieces, don’t put into the pot to cook Immediately, but to soak it in the water at room temperature for 2 hours to remove the blood and then simmer.
  2. Put mutton into the pot with cold water. After skimming the floating foam, remove mutton, put it in warm water, and clean it.
  3. When the mutton is stewed in the pot, add enough hot water at one time, and do not add water halfway. After the water has boiled, open the pot lid and go on with low heat for 2 hours. Then remove all shallots and ginger slices, and go on for 60 minutes with medium-low heat.
  4. Don’t put too many condiments in the mutton soup, especially the star anise. After putting the anise, the mutton soup is not fresh. Just add the right amount of green pepper, ginger slices, and shallots.

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